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Meet Zooey


I have spent much of my adult life working as a public employee for the University of Montana, as well as working as a community advocate. I have worked to help university programs integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion practices into their faculty requirements, and I have worked with the city of Missoula, Montana to draft human rights legislation tailored towards making justice more accessible to people who have been discriminated against.


As your representative, I will fight for human rights—from voting rights to trans rights to working towards dismantling the cruelties of the prison-industrial complex. I will also work to address what I see as four of the big, interconnected areas where Montana is failing to adequately help its residents: housing inequality, health care, infrastructure, and climate change.

Zooey with her cat.jpg

My name is Zooey Zephyr. I am a progressive, bisexual trans woman, and I am running for office because I believe that the best way for me to fight for social & economic justice is to get into the room where the laws are being written.

Meet Zooey

On the Issues

Residential Housing Complex


Increased access to affordable housing, whether renting or buying, is integral in creating the strong & stable communities that help Montana thrive.

Image by CDC


Affordable and accessible health care is fundamental to the long-term wellbeing of all Montanans, individually and collectively.

Image by Steven Cordes


Infrastructure matters because affordability does not inherently mean accessibility. Our infrastructure must set Montanans up to succeed for decades to come. 

Sustainable Energy


No matter the issue we try to tackle, if we are not accounting for the climate crisis in every decision we make, any victory will be short-lived, and it will be our planet and our future that will suffer.

On the Issues

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This is an aerial morning view of the Higgins Street Bridge in Missoula, Montana on a beau

Paid for by Zooey Zephyr for Montana. Democrat. P.O. Box 5213 Missoula, MT  59806

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